Applying for a UK Government National Insurance (NI) number
You will need a UK Government National Insurance (NI) number if you live in the UK, have the right to work in the UK, are working, are looking for work, or have an offer to start work in the UK.
After you apply online to get a NI number, you will get an email with your application reference number.
The email will tell you if you need to provide more proof of identity.
When you have proven your identity, getting your NI number can take up to 16 working days.
This guide gives you the essential information on applying for NI numbers in the UK, the background on UK government national insurance numbers and the tax benefits of having a UK NI number.
What are the basics of NI numbers?
You usually get sent a UK National Insurance number (NINO) before your 16th birthday.
The government uses records for child benefit claims to identify children approaching their 16th birthday to send out NI numbers in the UK.
If your parents or legal guardians have not claimed child benefits, you must apply for a NI number.
Alternatively, a social worker should apply for a NI number for you three months before your 16th birthday if you are a looked-after child.
A NI number is unique to you throughout your life but is not a form of accepted identity proof in the UK.
Every person working in the UK has their own NI number.
If you come to the UK from abroad to work, you must apply for one.
You can apply for a NI number if you live in the UK, have the right to work in the UK, are working in the UK, are looking for work in the UK, or have the offer to start work in the UK.
You must apply online and prove your identity to get a NI number.
A passport from any country and a biometric residence permit (BRP) can be used to prove your identity when applying for a UK NI number.
You can also use a national identity card from an EU country, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.
You can still apply for a NI number if you have no documents, but you may need to attend an appointment to prove your identity.
You may be able to prove your identity online by submitting digital photos of your identity documents and yourself.
If you cannot prove your identity only when applying online for a UK NI number, you may need to post photocopies of your documents.
I recommend following all the required steps online when applying for a UK NI number to reduce delays or disappointment.
Will you pay more UK tax without a NI number?
It is essential to have a NI number to pay the correct amount of income tax on the money you earn while working.
The following people may need to know your NI number:
– Employers and pension providers
– Local council
– The Student Loans Company
– Banks and building societies
I advise you not to give your NI number to anyone who does not need to know it.
Your UK NI number is an important document and should be kept safely to ensure that you do not lose it.
What you should do next
The danger is that you read this article and then take no further action when it comes to applying for a UK NI number.
I recommend that you apply here online for a NI number.
Do yourself a favour and book time with one of my tax advisors to discuss NI numbers and tax.
How do I get a UK National Insurance number?
How to apply for a UK National Insurance number overseas?
What documents are required for NI number UK?
Can you work in UK without National Insurance number?
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