Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) Form W7

Simon Misiewicz

Expat & Property Tax Specialist

8th March 2022

What is the ITIN used for in the US?

An Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) is used for British Expats to submit a 1040 to the IRS in the United States. You will need to submit a 1040 tax return to the IRS as a British citizen if:

– You have taxable income in the US, irrespective if you live there or not

– You are a resident alien (reside in the US for more than 183 calculated days)

– You are married to an American citizen, and it makes sense from a tax perspective for you to submit a 1040 return to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Please note that you need to use the ITIN to submit 1040 returns. The Individual Tax Identification Number number may be revoked by the IRS after three years if not used. If your ITIN has expired, you will need to reapply through the IRS in the US.


What US benefits do I receive for having an ITIN?

There are no real benefits for you to have an ITIN. British people obtaining a Individual Tax Identification Number must not be confused with it being connected to a VISA. There are many different types of VISAs that allow British citizens to visit and stay in the US. We will not get too bogged down in the detail.

Please review the VISAs section under the American Embassy website.  if you wish to know more about VISAs and having the ability to visit or live int he US as a British expat.

Let me please explain that having an ITIN does not provide you with the following benefits as American Citizens:

– You will not be allowed to stay in the United States just because you have an Individual Tax Identification Number

– You will not be able to work in the United States just because you have an ITIN

– You will not be able to own a business without other supporting documentation

What is the difference between a Social Security Number (SSN) and the ITN when living in the US?

A Social Security Number (SSN) is a number given to US citizens and green cardholders. This allows SSN holders to live, work and have the full enjoyment of being in the United States of America. People with a SSN may also vote.

British expats may be able to obtain an SSN with the appropriate VISA, which there are many.

As mentioned above that the Individual Tax Identification Number does not provide you with any of these benefits. You may exchange the ITIN with the SSN through the appropriate VISA application.

How do you apply for an ITIN?

You may apply for an Individual Tax Identification Number through the W-7 application for IRS Taxpayer identification number form. The IRS W-7 form may be submitted to the IRS via

– You can go into an IRS office and meet with the officials with the said application form

– By post (you will need to send your original IDs such as passports and driver’s licence)

Internal Revenue Service
ITIN Operation
P.O. Box 149342
Austin, TX 78714-9342

Where can I find my ITIN once I have one?

You can find your 9 digit ITIN on all correspondence that you have with the IRS. If you do not have any paperwork from the IRS then you may be able to contact the local IRS office.

British people from the UK paying tax in America

British people moving to the US may need to think about how much tax they will pay in the United States to the IRS. It is important to structure your finances to be as tax efficient as possible.

W-7 also referred to as simply Form W7 is used to obtain a US tax ID called ITIN ( Individual Tax Identification Number) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This is used by foreigners and aliens resident and non-resident in the United States that have a taxable income and need to files taxes under Form 1040

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