Inheritance Tax Calculator | Reduce IHT | Landlords | By-To-Let Property
February 10, 2019Inheritance Tax is a tax that is paid to HMRC in the United Kingdom (UK) and the IRS in the United States.
IHT is charged after a lifetime allowance of £325,000 in the UK. There is an additional IHT tax relief for your primary residence called RNRB that is an additional £175,000. It is therefore possible for a couple to have net assets of £1,000,000 and not pay any Inheritance Tax to HMRC on death.
Please be sure you use an inheritance Tax calculator to work out your tax liability. There are many ways to mitigate or reduce IHT tax using a tax professional. Use our IHT tax calculator today and save Inheritance Tax tomorrow.
The United States call Inheritance Tax or death taxes “Estate tax”. The IRS charge a scaled rate based on your wealth but the estate tax exemption is closer to $12,000,0000 rather than the UK version of £1,000,0000 for a married couple
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