United States (US) and Spain Double Taxation Treaty
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A tax treaty exists between the United States (US) and Spain.
Americans living in Spain and Spanish living in America should understand it to see how it affects you.
The US and Spain have been engaged in tax treaty relations for over 50 years and entered into a modern-day tax treaty 35 years ago.
The US tax treaty with Spain is important when American expats review their tax affairs abroad.
Understanding why the United States signed a tax treaty with Spain is critical.
See how much taxes you must pay The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and use our free online US IRS income tax calculator.
Optimise accountants are international expat tax providers to help Americans move to Spain.
What are the basics?
As a tax advisor who owns real estate property investments, I know that many American ex-pats worry about their US and Spain tax liabilities.
I hear many stories about Americans paying more tax than they need to on their income sources in the US and Spain.
The United States (US) and Spain tax treaties cover double taxation concerning income and capital gains tax.
The benefits of this can be limited for some American ex-pats living in Spain.
The US-Spain tax treaty ensures that no American will pay more tax than the higher two countries’ tax rates.
The treaty also defines where taxes should be paid, which normally depends on where the income arises.
The treaty allows US expats to avoid double taxation on their income in Spain by claiming US tax credits when they file their US tax return up to the same value as Spanish income taxes they have already paid.
For income arising in the US, Americans in Spain can claim Spanish tax credits to offset the income taxes they have paid to the IRS.
American ex-pats must file Form 1116 on their 1040 tax return to claim US foreign tax credits.
Spanish income tax rates are higher than US rates, so most American ex-pats in Spain will not owe any US income tax.
The United States (US) and Spain tax treaty also allowed the Spanish government to provide US ex-pats’ Spanish tax information to the IRS and their Spanish bank and investment account details and balances.
Are you an American paying more tax in Spain than you need to?
You might be an American paying more tax in Spain than you need to.
This is why it is so important to understand the US-Spanish tax treaty.
One main benefit of the United States (US) and Spain tax treaty is the relief from double taxation.
This is a significant step in helping Americans not to be overtaxed in Spain.
The double taxation relief allows Americans to claim a credit for taxes paid in Spain to avoid being taxed in Spain and by the IRS.
Can Americans travel to Spain?
Americans can save tax in Spain if they understand the rules.
Americans who spend more than 183 days a year in Spain, or for whom Spain is their main base of economic activities, are considered residents for tax purposes.
American ex-pats earning over 22,000 Euros a year from one employer must file a Spanish tax return.
Those who earn less but from more than one source (or not from employment but from another source such as rental income) also must file a tax return in Spain.
The Spanish tax filing deadline is June 30th.
If you wish to pay your tax by direct debit in instalments, the deadline is June 25th.
Several deductions are available for Americans looking to save tax in Spain, including a personal deduction, a deduction for married couples, and American ex-pats with children.
Spanish residents must also declare assets outside Spain if the assets have a combined total value of more than 50,000 Euros.
Spanish income tax rates are relatively high compared to the US, so for many American ex-pats, it makes sense to claim the Foreign Tax Credit.
Spanish income tax rates vary from 19% to 45%.
Why did the United States sign a treaty with Spain?
Primarily, to help Americans to prevent paying taxes twice.
The United States (US) and Spain tax treaty allow US expats to avoid double taxation on their income in Spain by allowing them to claim US tax credits when they file their US tax returns.
The US tax credits are the same value as Spanish income taxes that American ex-pats have already paid.
How can tax be avoided?
If you are an American living in Spain, you may want to avoid tax residency.
This depends on whether you spend more than 183 days in Spain during any calendar year.
In determining the period of stay, temporary absences are included in the day count, except when the tax residence in the United States can be proven.
Special anti-avoidance rules are established for tax havens.
A separate agreement called a Totalization Agreement helps US expats in Spain not to pay social security taxes to both the United States and Spanish governments.
American ex-pats’ contributions made while in Spain can be credited to the either tax system.
Which country they pay depends on how long they will be living in Spain.
Based on the current US tax laws, the only way to avoid filing a US tax return and paying US taxes in Spain is to renounce your US citizenship.
Renouncing your US citizenship is a serious and permanent decision.
FAQ for the treaty
Does US have a tax treaty with Spain?
What is the tax treaty rate between Spain and the US?
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